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      Impresii Hotel Pongwe Bay Resort Pongwe

      Hotel vizitat de Jeka
      Pret de la
      1494 Euro / sejur
      Pret valabil pentru sejururi in anumite perioade in limita locurilor disponibile
      10 Pongwe Road, Pongwe, Tanzania
      Pongwe, pe plaja

      Vezi tarife
      1 impresie
      • Hotel Pongwe Bay Resort Pongwe+255 777 706 86810 Pongwe Road, Pongwe, Tanzaniade la 1493.77 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        Hotel offers excellent accomodation facility in a secluded quiet area .Design of hotel impressed us a lot .
        Meals are outstanding here, all fresh and tasty .
        Another positive point of hotel is staff who was all time willing to solve all requests we had during this stay including late check out.

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