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      Impresii Hotel Parklands Hotel & Pool Bansko

      14%Oferta Speciala Hotel vizitat de Jeka
      Pret de la
      51 Euro / noapte
      Pret valabil pentru sejururi in anumite perioade in limita locurilor disponibile
      Stragite Area, 2770 Bansko, Bulgaria
      Bansko, la 350 m de telescaun

      Vezi tarife
      1 impresie
      • Hotel Parklands Hotel & Pool Bansko+359 87 799 5112Stragite Area, 2770 Bansko, Bulgariade la 51.36 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        I felt really great during my winter holiday at Parklands Hotel and Pool from Bansko. I recommend it to all those who want to enjoy their free time from the first moment of their stay here.👌

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