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      Impresii Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya

      Hotel vizitat de Jeka
      recomandat de turisti
      Aqua Park
      Pret de la
      96 Euro / noapte
      Pret valabil pentru sejururi in anumite perioade in limita locurilor disponibile
      Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYA
      Alanya, langa plaja

      Vezi tarife
      7 impresii
      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 9/10

        Concediul a fost in conditii foarte bune intr-o loctie foarte buna.

      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10


      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        Raport calitate/pret foarte bun, hotel nou, multiple facilitati (minibar gratuit, curatenie zilnica). Plaja cu nisip , fara pietre. Mancarea excelenta si bauturile foarte bune. Angajatii mereu zambitori, spectacolele de seara foarte atractive.

      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        Totul exceptional, sigur o sa revenim la acest hotel!!! Nota 10.Multumim Agentia Jeka , nu am intampinat probleme, sigur o sa mai mergem cu Agentia Jeka!!! Multumim dna Maria!!!

      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        Totul la superlativ.

      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 8/10

        It is a perfect location to go with the family. I gave the grade 8 for 2 reasons:
        1. I stayed for 5 nights and I insisted 3 days in a row by phone at the reception and the staff went there to bring me 2 more towels in the room, being a family of 2 adults and 2 children, and in the room I found only 2 towels. I asked him to come and arrange the sofa bed for one of the children, to put underwear and what else he needed, but no one came. I also tipped him to come to the room and still in vain. as well as with the toilet paper, I had to go out into the hallway and do a little hunting.
        2. the quality of the drinks leaves much to be desired. I think it was combined with water.

      • Hotel Granada Luxury Beach Alanya+90 242 711 07 07Avsallar Mah. İncekum Cad. No:72 1047 Parsel Alanya /ANTALYAde la 95.89 Euro Apreciat cu 10/10

        A fost un inceput de vara frumos. Ne-am simtit foarte bine.Este al treilea hotel din lantul Granada vizitat de noi,este cel mai mic si cel mai slab dintre ele dar totusi foarte ok. Raport pret - calitate foarte bun. Multumim Granada!!!

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