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      Impresii Hotel Filao Beach Pongwe

      Hotel vizitat de Jeka
      Pret de la
      1451 Euro / sejur
      Pret valabil pentru sejururi in anumite perioade in limita locurilor disponibile
      Chwaka Bay, East Coast Zanzibar City, Tanzania
      Chwaka,langa plaja,

      Vezi tarife
      1 impresie
      • Hotel Filao Beach Pongwe+255 784 345 332Chwaka Bay, East Coast Zanzibar City, Tanzaniade la 1450.88 Euro Apreciat cu 1/10

        After a reservation made months in advance, upon the arrival they said there are no available rooms and we need to be relocated, without taking anything into consideration or the things we booked based on that location.

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