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      Impresii Hotel Ethno Belek

      Hotel vizitat de Jeka
      Pret de la
      141 Euro / noapte
      Pret valabil pentru sejururi in anumite perioade in limita locurilor disponibile
      Belek, langa plaja

      Vezi tarife
      2 impresii
      • Hotel Ethno Belek-Belekde la 141.33 Euro Apreciat cu 5/10

        Un hotel fără activități , puțin spațiu verde , probleme la camere cu miros de mizerie prin aerul condiționat , construit din materiale ieftine , mâncarea de la kitchen club la fel în fiecare zi . Restaurantele a la carte ok . Curățenia prin camere se făcea doar superficial . Ar mai fi multe de spus dar mă limitez . Nu se ridică la nivelul așteptărilor turiștilor , pentru un buget de 3000 euro se merită , dar pentru prețul pe care îl cer mai au mult de muncă .

      • Hotel Ethno Belek-Belekde la 141.33 Euro Apreciat cu 8/10

        We were there in July 2024 for 2weeks so only few weeks after Ethno opened its doors for the first time. The hotel is great, amazing facilities for kids including a very large and well equipped kids club, splash park and water park with a good range of slides. Our kids never got bored in 2 weeks which means we were able to relax and enjoy our holiday too. Food is very good and compares well to the likes of Cullinan, Max Royal etc. it has a great feel of luxury and a nice beach snd diversity of pools. I only rated 8/10 because the service needs improving and few things were still work in progress but generally a really good hotel which we very much enjoyed.

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