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      Hawaii Paradise Aqua Park Resort Hurghada-Egipt

      Hotel Hawaii Paradise Aqua Park Hurghada
      Pret de la
      602 Euro / sejur
      Hurghada, la 700 m de plaja
      Vezi tarife
      Hawaii Paradise Aqua Park Resort Hurghada-EgiptHotel Hawaii Paradise Aqua Park Hurghada Apreciat cu 4/10

      • Vacanta: mai 2023. Apreciat (de mine personal) cu 4/10
      Exista 4 Complexuri Hoteliere Hawaii Aqua Park, noi am fost in Hawaii Paradise (subliniez Paradise) Aqua Park Resort, fiecare complex fiind diferit ca design.
      Din discutiile avute cu alti turisti, serviciile difera enorm intre unitatile de cazare.

      Pozitive: Complexul este foarte mare, cu multe pisicine, si intrare directa pe plaja privata.
      Camerele, desi au mobilier vechi, sunt foarte spatioase.
      Aerul conditionat functioneaza bine.

      Negative: Mobilier vechi, telefon nefunctional, curetenia doar de ochii lumii, pe tot parcursul cazarii lenjeria nu a fost schimbata, conceptul de minibar foarte prost inteles (primeam zilnic cate o sticla de apa de 0,5 litri/persoana, asta in conditiile in care esti atentionat sa nu consumi apa de la retea). In acest resort apa era singura bautura din fantastical minibar.
      Nu se misca un pai fara “tips” ca sa nu spun ca peste tot se solicita “tips”.
      Am incercat si eu dar nu m-a ajutat cu nimic, bani aruncati pe fereastra. In momentul cazarii (aprox. 22:30) nu aveam nici un strop de apa in camera asa ca am dat “tips” dar apa a ajuns doar dupa insistentele intregului grup la receptie. Pentru ca tot am pomenit ca eram in grup, am fost cazati pe unde s-a nimerit numai aproape unii de altii nu, respectiv in cladiri diferite. Nu primeam sampon sau gel de dus, doar sapun lichid. Am primit sampon, o data cu “tips” si o data in urma solicitarii la receptie.

      Mancarea: preponderent cu specific local, nu mori de foame dar nici nu te bucuri. Foarte neplacut a fost sa nu fiu servit, pentru ca in urma mea au sosit doi localnici iar bucatarul, pentru a le da intaietate mi-a cerut insistent sa ma asez in urma lor. Am preferat sa renunt decat sa primesc ceeace localnicii refuza.
      Am fost in excursii din care am revenit dupa incheierea programului pentru cina dar aveam garantata “cina tarzie”. Am avut la dispozitie o oferta mai mult decat saracacioasa insa, ce sa vezi, pentru aceeasi “cina tarzie” la care au sosit si cativa localnici, la iesirea noastra au aparut gratare din pulpe de pui. Corect, nu?
      Bautura: Tot ce era de baut (suc, bere, etc.) se servea la pahar de unica folosinta (cred ca de 125 ml). Nu m-am dus acolo sa-mi fac de cap dar de multe ori am renuntat sa beau o bere din 4-6 paharele (jumatate de pahar era spuma, aveau ei grija).
      Ar fi multe aspecte negative de relatat dar cred ca este suficient.
      Cu tot efortul depus pentru a ramane pozitiv, nu am reusit.
      Concluzia: Nu recomand acest resort, respectiv Hawaii Paradise (subliniez Paradise) Aqua Park Resort.

      • Vacation: May 2023. Rated (by me personally) with 4/10
      There are 4 Hawaii Aqua Park Hotel Complexes, we were in Hawaii Paradise (I emphasize Paradise) Aqua Park Resort, each complex being different in design.
      From discussions with other tourists, the services differ enormously between accommodation units.

      Positives: The complex is very large, with many pools, and direct access to the private beach.
      The rooms, although they have old furniture, are very spacious.
      The air conditioning works well.

      Negatives: Old furniture, non-functional telephone, cleanliness only for the eyes of the world, during the entire stay the linen was not changed, the concept of the minibar was very poorly understood (we received a bottle of water of 0.5 liters per person daily, this in the conditions that you are warned not to consume water from the network). In this resort, water was the only drink from the fantastic minibar.
      Not a straw moves without "tips", not to say that "tips" are requested everywhere.
      I tried too but it didn't help me at all, money thrown out the window. At the time of check-in (approx. 22:30) there was not a drop of water in the room, so I gave a "tip", but the water arrived only after the insistence of the whole group at the reception. Because I still mentioned that we were in a group, we were accommodated where it just happened to be close to each other, not in different buildings. I didn't get shampoo or shower gel, only liquid soap. I received shampoo, once with "tips" and once after requesting it at the reception.

      The food: mostly local, you won't starve but you won't enjoy it either. It was very unpleasant not to be served, because two locals arrived after me and the chef, in order to give them priority, insisted that I sit behind them. I preferred to give up than to receive what the locals refuse.
      I went on trips from which I returned after the end of the program for dinner, but I had a guaranteed "late dinner". We had at our disposal a more than poor offer, but, what can you see, for the same "late dinner" where some locals also arrived, when we left, grilled chicken legs appeared. Right, right?
      Drinks: Everything to drink (juice, beer, etc.) was served in a disposable glass (I think 125 ml). I didn't go there to make a mess, but many times I gave up drinking a beer from 4-6 glasses (half of the glass was foam, they were careful).
      There would be many negative aspects to report, but I think it is enough.
      With all the effort I put in to stay positive, I didn't succeed.
      Conclusion: I do not recommend this resort, namely Hawaii Paradise (I emphasize Paradise) Aqua Park Resort.

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